are great song writers , my favourite songs are all of them and they are great at doing movies
and episodes and my favourite episode is Suite Life On Deck and my favourite character is Cody
and Zack Cody is Cole Sprouse Zack is Dylan Sprouse.
Cole and Dylan are great skateboarders on The Suit Life Of Zack And Cody.
Cole Sprouse and Dylan Sprouse is in a movie called The Prince And The Pauper , and Dylan Sprouse was pretending to be Cole Sprouse and Dylan Sprouse was living a normal life and Cole
Sprouse was living a rock star life.
Cole Sprouse and Dylan Sprouse are great at singing songs on concerts and disco's too.
Cole is smart in the episode of suit life on deck and the suit life of Zack and Cody and the suit life on deck. Dylan is lazy in the suit life on deck and the suit life of Zack and Cody and the suit life on deck , and he's sneaky too.
Hi Zion
ReplyDeletethis picture reminds me of Cole that acts Cody and Dylan that acts Zack. Keep up the grate work Zion.